H.E.S.S. phone numbers and address in Namibia

Analog phone

Phone no. +264 (0)62 507 300

Phone in the control room; and rings many phones.

Phone numbers with extensions

Phone no. +264 (0)62 507

This phone number is connected to an "automated attendant" serving incoming calls. When calling this number, dial the extension number. Note that phone charges start once the machine answers!

Room Extension
Switchboard 300
Control room 301, 303
Control room, Albert's desk 304
Toni's Office 306
Electronic Workshop 307
Mechanical Workshop 308
Residence Lounge 320
Room 201 - Albert 321
Room 202 322
Room 203 323
Room 204 324
Room 205 - Volker 325
Room 206 - Frikkie 326
Room 207 327
Residence Computer Table 328
Toni Private 330
Toni Flat 331
Atmore (security Guard) 341
ATOM 350
HAT South 352
CT5 Camera Shelter Office 360
CT5 Camera Shelter Mezzanine 361
CT5 West Container - Autofocus 362
CT5 East Container - Servo Drives 363
Portable Phone 380

Other phone numbers and email addresses

See safety document for phone numbers of neighboring farms, emergency numbers etc.

Site Manager (Toni Hanke): cthess at afol.com.na
Technical Coordinator (Michael Panter): Michael.Panter at mpi-hd.mpg.de

Postal address

Mail address: 

Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
H.E.S.S. Experiment
P.O. Box 90216

Shipping address Goellschau:

Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik
H.E.S.S. Experiment
Farm Goellschau
Khomas/District Windhoek